Libra, Aphrodite and the Horai

Libra, Aphrodite and the Horai

The season of Libra is drawing to a close with the full moon upon us, and the evening hours arriving earlier each day. Mercury is in Libra now along with the Sun. Add to this pair Jupiter, and needless to say, I’ve had Libra on my mind. Since Libra is ruled by Venus, it is a symbol intimately related to the Goddess. So let’s head off on an archetypal excavation, exploring the symbolism of Libra and the mythology of Aphrodite. Great Lady, be kind to us.

Mercury’s Virgo Retrograde

Mercury’s Virgo Retrograde

Oh, Mercury retrograde... attitudes in response to this regular phenomenon, coming up August 30th to September 22nd, range wide: worry-bead clicking, cautious planning, liberal scapegoating of this wily god for what goes wrong, and then there’s the annoyance all these views incite, which leads to writing-off and ignoring the retrograde altogether. Now this is not to say that things don’t go wonky when Mercury goes retrograde, they certainly do, but literalism and causal thinking have done a number to the way we think about this aspect of Mercury’s cycle. I therefore want to bring some reconsidered reflection to Mercury’s retrograde. 

Virgo deep

With the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo right now it feels like a perfect moment for some reflective thought. Over a cup of coffee, of course! And, Mercury will be going retrograde next week in Virgo too---stay tuned as I have a blog piece coming out on this upcoming retrograde and its invitation to move with Mercurial cool.

Mars in Scorpio playlist

Mars in Scorpio playlist

A curated playlist for these last few weeks of Mars in Scorpio. Go deep or get out...