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Tending Hestia’s Flame: Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Tending Hestia’s Flame: Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

This Venus retrograde in Capricorn invites turning our attention to the inner hearth, to assess how well our value-fires are burning and what fuel they need to be kindled anew. It suggests being at the altar of the goddess Hestia, whom the Greeks and Romans worshipped as the living flame upon the hearth that burned day and night.

Penelope’s Loom and Mars Retrograde


Penelope’s Loom and Mars Retrograde

When Penelope tells her story to the stranger, who is Odysseus in disguise, she reveals how the loom strategy she used to keep the suitors at bay came from a divine source: “A god from the blue it was inspired me….” So Penelope set up a great loom and for four years wove daily a shroud for Laertes, and each night unraveled what she had woven.


Hekate at the Crossroads of Saturn & Pluto


Hekate at the Crossroads of Saturn & Pluto

Change is afoot wherever the outer planets appear in our charts.  The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn has been a key transit these past months and now they are being joined by Jupiter. This cluster will dominate throughout the year, drawing our attention to those areas, personal and collective, where change is underway. How are we cultivating awareness of what needs change in our life and attitudes, how do we participate in facilitating those changes, and how do we practice inner flexibility so that we are limber enough to do so?


Waves Become Wings: Neptune, Betrayal and Ariadne


Waves Become Wings: Neptune, Betrayal and Ariadne

Waves Become Wings: Neptune, Betrayal and the Myth of Ariadne. Neptune transits often have us feeling lost at sea, but myth can shed light on the pain of Neptunian betrayal, the other face of trust, to a beautiful development of consciousness. This is the subject of an article I recently had published in The Mountain Astrologer that I want to share with you for contemplation.